Friday, November 22, 2013

There and back again - A lucky Alaskan's adventure to the Caribbean

I've mentioned earlier in this blog......such a fun word to say blog blog blog blog blog....must look up the origin.........As I was saying I mentioned ealier in this blog that along this epic journey of life I have had some amazing opportunities to connect and befriend some incredible people. One of my oldest friends happens to live on a little island in tropical paradise. I've been invited numerous times to come visit and acctually made I promise to. I recently fulfilled this promise and wow....just wow. This island was more than I could have ever believed or expected. 

For those of you curious blog was derived from the term "web log" -learn something new every day

I'm not going to go on and on about this experience but I will let you have some highlights:

Drinking amazing, highly alchoholic fresh picked banana cocktails after buying a pig a beer in the jungle.

On a paddle board and being told - " yea lets not go out too far, it's feeding time"

EPIC BEACHES and tidal pools .

Serendipitously puchased a bike for ridiculously cheap on ebay only to find I wouldn't have to pay shipping because the guy lived where I was going!!

Incredible Thai, Japanese, and Frech Cuisine

Wonderful food, drinks, and friends.



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